Monday, August 27, 2012


I know I have not blogged about my workouts lately, but does not mean I have not done them. Ty went down to Las Vegas for 4 days and I was busy with babysitting and making sock puppets for Tanner. (I am in no way a crafty person so they took FOREVER, but came out cute!) Anyways, the weather was beautiful out so I decided to change it up!

We went for a hike and went on an hour and a half garage sale searching (we only found 2.) The walk and hike were great! It help remind me of some simple techniques I do to get an ab workout, so here they are:

Fake it until you make it! Suck in that belly and hold. This is an easy trick while you are walking, shopping, sitting, eating, etc... Keep your muscles engaged and get a small workout while you are doing every day tasks.

Enjoy your time working out. When you stop stressing about life and live in the moment of your workout, you get a lot more done, in the same amount of time.

You can workout with your child, while you play with them. I lost my baby weight after 2 weeks (I gained thirty pounds, lost 20 after the first week...He was almost a 9 pound baby so most of it was just weight from growing a baby.) The last ten pounds were lost by doing lunges with him, while I rocked him to sleep or Butt lifts while holding him on my lap. I would do leg side kicks as I lied on the ground playing with him. Any moment I had, I was working out. Now my workouts with him are different. (I will post those tomorrow.)

Anyways, Change!! Change up your routine. Today I worked out in the gym while Tanner and Ty slept. It was a nice change!!  So today, do something you have not done in a while. Maybe jumping jacks, lunges, planks, wall sits, crunches, etc... Good luck and Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Way to be crafty! I want to see a picture of the puppets... maybe on your other blog? :)
